NATURE -- How To Stop A Hurricane?

How To Stop A Hurricane?

Hey guys! Today I'm going to talk a little bit about the theories to stop a Hurricane. There are some who believe it is possible although most of the people and scientists believe it isn't. There are a lot of theories but I'm going to explain seven of the bests.

First of all, what is a Hurricane? How does it forms?

The Eye of an Hurricane
A Hurricane it's an example of heat transference. The temperature of the ocean surface has to be very warm, 26ºC (79ºF) or more. The moist and hot air raises to the clouds . The rotation of the Earth makes the air to spiral around the eye (the central local where the air spins) creating a vacuum beneath. Then it joins even more moist air which intensify the eye. Winds can reach over 300km/h.
An Hurricane "ends" because the heat that feeds it is, somehow, reduced.
If we can reduce, by artificial means, the heat of the ocean or the upper flux of upward moist air, we can weaken the storm.

1. Nitrogen Blast by Jason Stanton

Liquid Nitrogen Theory
This young boy says that spreading liquid nitrogen in the Hurricane would make it slow down and eventually stop because it would cut the source of heat. It is a safe, cheap and abundant material and would reduce massively the temperature making the Hurricane to disappear. The ships, controlled by satellites, would approach the storm and spread it in the base of the storm.

It would be necessary a lot of ships to work and the storm could damage them.

2. Chemical Film by Vladimir Pudov
Chemical Film Theory

He stopped Hurricanes by spreading thousands of gallons of carmidol in the Celebes, a overheated sea. Carminol is made of fat oil, urea and alcohol. It was a sort of blanket which reduced the evaporation. A lot of ships would dump the carmidol in the ocean surface. When the Hurricane passes over it, it loses its source of heat, weakens and slows down. The more faster the winds were, the better the method resulted.

The skeptical say that this is one of the methods that can, in deed, work and stop Hurricanes.

3. Water Pumps by Phil Kithil

Water Pumps Theory
He says he remembered that the deep ocean is much cooler than the surface of it. And he thought, How Can We Get Cold Water Up? 
In his mind it would be something like the image in the left.
Millions of water pumps launched in the trajectory of an hurricane. They carry the cold water to the surface reducing the warm water that fuels the storms.

Why wouldn't it work? Because there is a reason why the cold water is in the bottom of the oceans. It is denser than the warm water. The skepticals agree that is a good idea but say that the pumps wouldn't be able to keep the surface colder than the normal, and they wouldn't survive to the furious storm.

4. Carbon Smoke by William Gray

Carbon Smoke Theory
He says it's practical. When the storm is reaching the coast, we can send ships to surround the storm. They would have an equipment that burns special petroleum to put out a black smoke. It would create a black dust around the storm. It would create a bound of heat around the upper wall of the Hurricane, then this wall would expand and vanish. The goal is to don't let the storm spin extremely fast or don't increase speed.

It is probably one of the most accepted.

5. Clouds "Spraying" by Joe Golden
Silver Iodide Theory

The Project Stormfury was to spray the clouds in the exterior of the eye, the eyewall clouds, creating a new eyewall decreasing by so the winds by 10 to 15%. They spread the clouds with silver iodide which crystallizes the water drops. This releases heat that forms an exterior band of clouds and shuts down the source of energy, making the eye to expand and dissipate.

The diffilculty is that the clouds in most Hurricanes are not suitable so that the method can work. And How Can We Know The Difference Between What We Caused And What Would Happen?

6. Lasers by Robert Dickerson

Lasers Theory
He noticed that the tropical storms that then form Hurricanes are the ones which have more lightnings. His theory is hit them by zapping the electrical charge of the clouds with lasers. He believes this is more beneficial right on the early stages of the storm where there are more lightnings, before it transforms to an Hurricane. With this is possible to decrease the power of it. A airplane would carry the laser and right above the eye it would discharge multiple strikes making the eye to disintegrate and the Hurricane weakens.

The skeptical says there isn't a laser powerful enough to do so. It wouldn't cause impact in a forming storm.

7. Microwave Satellite by Ross Hoffman

Microwave Theory
This doctor wants to change the direction of the Hurricane by using a spacial station. It would be created space station to transmit energy by microwaves. It would heat parts of the atmosphere that would be chosen and this heat in another trajectory would make the Hurricane to follow this one. He believe it would be possible to change temperature, surface pressure, winds and humidity. All the factors that steer Hurricanes.

Skeptical say that this theory has technical, physical and environment merit. They says it is very possible and like it but How Much It Will Cost? Is It Easy To Implement? Does It Created Energy Enough To Change It? Where Do We Take It? Changing the course of it can make changes in other part of the world and affect the environment.

Odisseia Channel -- How To Stop A Hurricane?
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Vany Sampayo


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